Develop potential ferti南著lity
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The development of potentia國鐵l fertility inc秒嗎ludes two aspects: one is to 土草release the fixed mineral腦愛 nutrients in the s信月oil, and the other is to s舞去peed up the conversi多資on rate of organic matter in照物 the soil.
To release the 信坐fixed mineral nutrients, we mu話街st improve the soil as a prer錢厭equisite, reduce the amou門公nt of chemical fertiliz下兒ers, break the knot, and appl不房y more organic fertilizers con服數taining microorganisms, so that micro暗藍organisms can act as "miners&quo我舊t; under the appropriate water, fertil煙見izer, air and heat conditions, and conv會這ert the unavailable nutrients into use南市ful nutrients.
If fertilization is the treatme文海nt of soil fertility decline "pr麗志escription", biological organ亮計ic fertilizer is Chinese medicine, fe小山rtilizer is Western 照畫medicine, Chinese medicin錢好e in the treatment謝日 of disease at the same time can 農子play a conditioning role, the t土腦reatment of disease and f房湖itness, while Western me黑你dicine in the t算理reatment of disease at the same time 答關will have serious side effects.
Development of poten中校tial fertility also lie器美s in improving the speed of conversio空外n and utilization of 劇笑organic fertilizer. Som信煙e farmers apply a lot of organic fert服黑ilizer, orchard bene鐵輛fits and did not quickl和兵y improve, it is believed th你船at organic fertilize海業r is still not as good as ch門白emical fertilizer. In 場生fact, the development of org議了anic fertilizer po市低tential fertility i林員s the need for quit上跳e a long time. The people have a pro如關verb: "lean l計呢and three years not fa大體t, fat land three ye歌筆ars not thin", that is, 化懂the potential fert紅有ility of organic fer知習tilizer needs many years to releas時見e.
According to scie船計ntific research, or謝低ganic matter into the s在靜oil, under natural cond是生itions, fully transforme對木d into a form t紙在hat can be absorbed by書可 plants, it takes more than 近子1 to 100 years.多吧 To speed up the conversion rate, the n術長umber of soil mic志又roorganisms mus藍路t be increased. The larger the河用 microbial population i頻到n the soil, the faster this conversion 身民rate will be and the faster the p水玩otential fertility will be broug中新ht into play.
Combining the ab睡慢ove two aspects, whether it 聽匠is releasing the f視得ixed mineral nutrients o河裡r speeding up the con他外version rate of organic 舞廠fertilizers, the particip他不ation of microorganisms is required.
The application of bio-organic fertil湖離izer is the main mean民外s to develop the potential 湖外fertility of the soil.地身 Microorganisms play an important role 公內in the material 微城and energy conversion of the s光能oil and are an i煙上mportant and irrep小南laceable link in the ecological chain 鐘海of the material cycle.
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