How much is the natural fertility 很有of the soil?

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Soil is an amazing thing, how i舊化s it formed?

After weathering, r輛短ocks on land are leached, str生門ipped and transpor河離ted by various ext好報ernal forces, and fin明車ally deposited in lakes and ocean公唱s, solidifying into var用男ious sedimentary rocks; then after lo就裡ng geological years, 理通these sedimentary roc公睡ks at the bottom of l友上akes and oceans re-emerge as l音小and rocks with the mov低章ement of the earth's場山 crust, and aga懂們in undergo weathering, the primary 南藍minerals are decomposed and 劇看generate clay minerals, producin討來g soluble substances and releasi微從ng nutrient elements,說服 preparing the condit的草ions for the emergenc但舊e of green plants. At the sam看少e time, leaching occurs during th拍但e weathering process, and the leachi不訊ng process moves 電工the effective nu器月trients to the lower layers of t紅要he soil and outside, which has t媽費he effect of promoting the renewal錯東 of soil materials.

In a word, it m林玩eans that rocks ar站器e composed of various minerals, an廠地d soil is evolved fr電現om rocks, and soil is the "pol信湖ymer" of various minerals. As 樹頻long as nature is still in mot山也ion, weathering and 得花leaching will not disappear,厭費 and the ability of soil to 時房release mineral nutrients will not 話門disappear.

Thus, as long as the soil是空 exists, there is no need to worry 月匠about the day whe房行n the natural fertil現你ity of the soil will run out.